कोरोना से मृत्यु पर ( PMJJBY ) बीमा योजना से मिल सकती है आर्थिक सहायता

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प्रधानमंत्री जीवन ज्योति बीमा योजना (PMJJBY) बीमा योजना वर्ष 2015 में शुरू की गई थी। इस योजना का उद्देश्य 18 वर्ष से 50 वर्ष  के आयु के गरीबों और वंचितों  के लिए जीवन बीमा प्रदान करके सामाजिक सुरक्षा प्रदान करना है। इस बीमा योजना के अंतर्गत  रु .2 लाख की जीवन सुरक्षा केवल  रु. 330 की वार्षिक प्रीमियम के भुगतान पर  मिलती हैं।  


आकड़े :


 इस महामारी के समय में, कई परिवारों ने अपने प्रियजनों को खो दिया और वित्तीय संकट का सामना कर रहे हैं। यह योजना उन्हें थोड़ी मदद कर सकती । इस लेख में हम चर्चा करेंगे कि इस योजना के तहत बीमा राशि का दावा कौन और कैसे कर सकता है।

योजना की शर्ते:  

  1. इस योजना में व्यक्ति के 18 वर्ष (पूर्ण) से 55 वर्ष (निकट जन्मदिन) की आयु प्राप्त करने तक, वार्षिक नवीनीकरण तिथि के अनुसार जोखिम कवर प्रदान किया जाता है ।

2. जोखिम कवर की अवधि १ वर्ष की होती है, जो सम्बंधित वर्ष के १ जून से प्रारम्भ होकर 30 मई तक की होती है। अगले वर्ष के लिए, जिसका नविनिकरण प्रीमियम राशि के भुगतान परअपने आप हो जाता है।

3. इस जीवन बीमा योजना की प्रीमियम राशि केवल रु. 330 है, जो की बैंक के खाते से उस वर्ष के 31 मई या उससे से पहले ऑटो डेबिट कि जाती हैं जिसकी खाताधारक द्वारा सहमति दी जाती है।

4. यह योजना सदस्य की किसी भी कारण (जिसमे कोरोना -19 से मृत्यु भी शामिल है.) से मृत्यु होने पर रु. 2 लाख का लाभ नामांकित (नॉमिनी) को प्रदान करती हैं।


दावा कैसे करें:

1. नामांकित व्यक्ति उस बैंक में जाकर, जहां सदस्य का "बचत बैंक खाता" था, और जिसके माध्यम से प्रीमियम काटा गया था, क्लेम फॉर्म और डिस्चार्ज रेसिप्ट लेनी होती है।

2. क्लेम फॉर्म और डिस्चार्ज रसीद को भरकर, मृत्यु प्रमाण पत्र और रद्द चेक की फोटो प्रति (नामांकित व्यक्ति के बैंक खाते की ) / या सदस्य के बचत खाते के विवरण के साथ जमा करना होता है।

3. यदि नॉमिनी नाबालिग है तो नियुक्त व्यक्ति (अभिभावक ) फॉर्म भरकर हस्ताक्षर करना होता है।

सभी संबंधित दस्तावेज बैंक में जमा करने के बाद, बैंक द्वारा सभी दस्तावेजों को सत्यापित किया जाएगा। बैंक द्वारा ये दस्तावेज संबंधित बीमा कंपनी के नामित कार्यालय में जमा किए जाएंगे। बैंक द्वारा सभी दस्तावेज बीमा कंपनी को अग्रेषित करने के लिए की अधिकतम समय सीमा 30 दिन की हैं।

बीमा कंपनी को दस्तावेज जमा करने के बाद, बीमा कंपनी विवरण का सत्यापन करेगी। यदि जोखिम कवर लागू था और सदस्य के लिए किसी और बैंक सेकोई दावा नहीं किया गया है, तो बीमा कंपनी नॉमिनी के बैंक खाते में राशि भुगतान कर देगी। जिसकी सुचना प्रति सदस्य के बैंक के साथ नामिती को भेजा जाएगी। बीमा कंपनी अधिकतम 30 दिन भीतर, जोखिम की मंजूरी एवं धन के भुगतान करती है । यह 30 दिन की अवधि बैंक से दस्तावेज प्राप्त होने की दिनांक से गिने जाते है।





COVID-19 death : Insurance claim under PMJJBY


Pradhan Mantri Jivan Jyoti Bima Yojna ( PMJJBY) the life insurance scheme was introduce in year 2015. The objective of this scheme is to create a social security system for the poor and underprivileged in the age group of 18-50 years by providing a renewable life insurance cover of Rs.2 lakhs with just a premium of Rs.330.


       Fact files :


       So in this time of pandemic where, so many families lost  their loved ones and facing financial crisis. This scheme could help them a little. In this article we will discuss who can claim  and how to claim insurance amount under this scheme.

     Conditions of the Scheme :

  1. The Risk cover will be provided to the person from his/her age of 18 years (Completed) till attaining age 55 years (nearer birthday) as on the annual renewal date.
  2. The cover shall be for the one year period stretching from 1st June to 31st May. Which would be renewed for further one year on payment of premium.
  3. Premium amount of this policy is Rs. 330, which will be auto debited from the bank account on or before the 31st May of the year as the consent is given by the account holder.
  4. This policy gives benefit of Rs. 2 Lakh, on member’s death due to any reason. (This also cover death due to COVID-19)

       How to Claim :

  1. Nominee need  to visit bank, where member had  the “Saving Bank account” through which the premium was deducted. 
  2. Nominee need to Collect  the claim form and discharge receipt from the bank.
  3. This claim form and discharge receipt required to be submitted along with death certificate and  photo copy of cancelled cheque of nominee’s Bank account / the Saving bank account details of member.  
  4.  If the nominee is minor than appointee (Guardian) will fill fill and sign the form.

After submitting all relevant documents to bank,  all documents will be verified by the bank. These documents will be submitted to designated office of the insurance company concerned. Maximum time limit for bank to forward the claim form to Insurance company is 30 Days from date of submission of claim form.

After submitting the claim form to the insurance company. Insurance company will verify the details. In case the coverage was in force and no claim has been settled for the  member, than payment shall be released to the Nominee’s bank account and a communication shall be sent to the nominee with copy marked to the Bank. Maximum time limit for Insurance Company to approve claim and disburse money is thirty days from the receipt of the claim from the Bank.







SME Exchange an option for Fund raising

Evey small company has dream of getting listed on stock exchange. But due to eligibility criteria it was not possible. But now this dream can become true by taking some small steps. Benefit from getting listed, what are those small steps?  what are eligibility criteria? All these questions will be resolved in this article. BSE and NSE both are leading stock exchanges of India. And both have a separate platform for SMEs called SME Stock Exchange. This is dedicated platform for SMEs after few years of getting listed on this platform and fulfilling other conditions listed SME can switch to the mainboard of Stock exchange where all the Small Mid cap and Blue-chip companies listed.


1.     What is SME Stock Exchange?

It is a dedicated stock exchange and trading platform for SMEs only. In India an SME exchange functions within a recognized stock exchange or the main exchange such as the BSE Limited and the National Stock Exchange of India.


2.     Benefit of Listing at SME Stock Exchange:

  1. Listing Benefits

-          Easier to List

                        Min allottees required: 50 only – can be achieved with focused marketing.

                        Lower cost, time and effort to get listed.

-          100% underwriting

                       100% underwriting of the issue will ensure that the issue is fully subscribed.

-          Alternate Valuation

          Potential based valuations could be offered by Informed investors rather than benchmarking with matured large Corporates on the main board.`

-          New class of investors

                 Platform will attract new class of long term Institutional risk investors (both in primary & secondary market), interested to invest in exciting fast growing companies in India on a regulated platform.

-          Migration to main Board on seasoning

              Getting listed on SME Platform will allow companies to grow to serious size, conserve value and migrate to main board with more broad based IPOs.

  1. Other Benefits

There are many benefits of listing,  some illustrative benefits are as follows: 

1.      It will fetch more trust and credibility in the market, with vendors and employees also.

2.   A regulated company create a different picture psychologically in every ones mind. Whether vendor, Supplier or employees.

3.  The SME’s benefit by greater credibility and enhanced financial status leading to demand in the company’s shares and higher valuation of the company. Increase in Borrowing power.

4.      Company will get opportunity of merger and acquisition

5.      It will create a new identification with peer group companies.

6.    Equity financing enables liquidity for shareholders, provides growth opportunities like expansion, mergers and acquisitions, thus being a cost effective and tax efficient mode.

7.   Employee Stock Options ensures stronger employee commitment, participation and recruitment incentive.


  1. Eligibility Criteria:

NSE and BSE SMEs exchange platform both have same criteria to some extend for SME listing which is as follows :-

a.      Incorporation:

The Company shall be incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956.


b.      Financials

-          Post Issue Paid up Capital

The post issue paid up capital of the company (face value) shall not be more than Rs. 25 crores.

-          Net worth

Positive Net worth.

-          Tangible Asset

Net Tangible Assets should be Rs 1.5 Crore.

-          Track Record

The company or the partnership/proprietorship/LLP Firm or the firm which have been converted into the company should have combined track record of at least 3 years.


In case it has not completed its operation for three years then the company/partnership/proprietorship/LLP should have been funded by Banks or financial institutions or Central or state government or the group company should be listed for at least two years either on the main board or SME board of the Exchange.

The company or the firm or the firm which have been converted into the company should have combined positive cash accruals (earnings before depreciation and tax) in any of the year out of last three years and its net worth should be positive.

c.       Other Requirements

It is mandatory for a company to have a website.

It is mandatory for the company to facilitate trading in demat securities and enter into an agreement with both the depositories.

There should not be any change in the promoters of the company in preceding one year from date of filing the application to BSE for listing under SME segment.


  1. Difference between SME Exchange and mainboard

                So these are the difference between SME and main Board Exchange platform. Where some reporting requirement, time frame and norms are relaxed for SMEs.  And after a time frame when SME is eligible and fulfil the required criteria for Migrate to main board it will be migrated on main board.


5.     Statics of SME Exchange:

If we see the statics, on BSE SME platform around 324 companies successfully listed out of 380 companies who have applied. And 82 companies migrated to main board.

Around 200 companies listed on NSE SME platform and 22 has been migrated to main board.


6.     Before listing check list

SME Exchange provides the right launch pad for companies with strong business models and high growth potential. However, going public is a paradigm shift for a private company as it would be required to:

-          Appreciate the need to meet initial and sustained expectations of external investors

-          Appreciate the need to have a team, organization structure and internal processes which bring about investor credibility and capability to efficiently manage the capital market processes and increased level of scrutiny, reporting, compliances and regulatory obligations;

          It is therefore critical that before considering a public listing, you have realistic awareness of your current level of preparedness and what needs to be done to become a successfully listed company

-          Develop an understanding of the capital markets and the various processes involved in raising funds through an IPO.

-          Weigh the IPO option vis-à-vis other options of raising funds.

-          Once you choose to opt for the IPO route make a realistic assessment of your readiness for listing.

-   Start upgrading and strengthening your internal processes and systems to meet the requirements of a publicly listed company.

-          Crystallise your project and capital raising plans.

-          Engage a merchant banker to assist you in the IPO process.


Reference: www.nseindia.com and www.bsesme.com

Disclaimer: The contents of this article have been prepared in accordance with the relevant provisions, and information available at the time of preparation. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and the author does not take any responsibility and cannot guarantee that no inaccuracy occurs.